King Philip's War

French Indian War

Woodland tribes at war

King Philip's War Summary & Definition
King Philip's War Summary and Definition: The King Philip's War was a bitter and bloody conflict between the Algonquian speaking Indian tribes and the English settlers of the New England colonies, which took place from June 1675 to August 1676 ending in victory for the colonists. More than half of New England's 90 towns were assaulted by Native Indians.

During King Philips war almost one out of every twenty people in the region, both whites and Indians, are killed. Over 600 colonists and 3,000 Indians were killed during King Philip's War and Indian captives were sold into slavery.

The Indian Wars
Native Indian Tribes Index

Facts about the King Philip's War
Who fought in the King Philip's War? Interesting facts and information about the significance, specific events and famous leaders of the King Philip's War. The combatants of the King Philip's War were Algonquian Indian tribes and New England settlers. When did the conflict start and when did the conflict end? What were the causes of the King Philip's War? What was the significance of the King Philip's War? What were the results and effects of the King Philip's War? Interesting history and facts about the King Philip's War:

Fast Facts about the King Philip's War
Name of Conflict: King Philip's War 
Alternative Names: Metacom's Rebellion, Metacom's War, King Phillip’s War, Metacomet War
Location: The New England colonies of Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Maine
Year Conflict started: June 1675
Year Conflict ended: August 1676
Combatants: New England colonies, commonly known as the New England Confederation
Native Indian Tribes: Narragansett, Nashaway, Wampanoag, Nipmuck and Podunk tribes
Result: The King Philip's War ended in defeat for the Native Indians
Famous Indian Leaders: Chief Metacom (King Philip), Metacom was known as "King Philip of Wampanoag",
Canonchet, chief of the Narragansett
Muttawmp, chief of the Nipmuck
Famous US Leaders: Governor Josiah Winslow
Governor John Leverett
Governor John Winthrop, Jr.
Captain William Turner
Captain Benjamin Church


Facts about the King Philip's War - Why was Metacom given the Name King Philip?
The tradition of crowning a Native Indian chief as a king started in 1608 when Chief Powhatan, the father of Pocahontas, was crowned as a king (see picture of the coronation Powhatan Wars). King James 1 of England saw the Indians as subservient to his rule but the powerful chief "was sent a crown, with brilliant trappings and regalia, for the solemn coronation of Powhatan." His family were referred to with royal titles such as Princess Pocahontas. Cockacoeske was the wife and Indian chief and following his death was recognized by the Colonial Government as "Queen of Pamunkey". Metacom was another powerful Indian Chief who was referred to as a king. Metacom was believed to have been given the nickname of King Philip by the Puritans, because of his haughty mannerisms, similar to the hated Catholic King Philip II of Spain. Metacom or King Philip as the colonists called him, became leader of the Wampanoag Confederacy in 1662. He was the second son of Chief Massasoit and was also known as Metacomet and Philip of Pokanoket. The Wampanoag were sometimes referred to as the Pokanoket, from the name of their principal village. Also refer to Facts about Metacom

Specific Causes of the King Philip's War
What were the specific causes of the King Philip's War? The specific causes of the King Philip's War at a local level were:

  • Bonds built between the first colonists, see the Pilgrim Fathers, were broken with the death of Metacom's father, Chief Massasoit

  • Trade declined between the Native Indians and the Colonists. The Indians ran out of goods to trade and only had their land to bargain with

  • Livestock trampled over Indian cornfields

  • The colonists adopted 'heavy handed' tactics with the Native Indians

  • Metacom (King Philip) was humiliated by the summons to Taunton and the requirement to sign a new peace agreement and surrender guns

  • A series of forts and an increasing number of towns were built antagonising the indigenous tribes

  • The betrayal by John Sassamon and his subsequent murder antagonised both sides



History & Causes of the King Philip's War - Political Policies and Beliefs
What were the causes of the King Philip's War? Some of the history and causes of King Philip's War were dictated by political policies and beliefs which shaped the historical background to the causes of the King Philip's War

  • Imperialism: In the early 1600's South America was largely controlled by Spain or Portugal, but North America was mostly unclaimed. England wanted to establish its own empire. The population in England was exploding and the system of enclosure (fencing in the land) meant there was limited land for the poor. Establishing colonies in America provided the opportunity for religious freedom, land and new trading opportunities
  • Colonialism: In the 1600's the Europeans brought with them the system of colonialism, primarily to generate income, which encompassed "the policy and practice of a power in extending control over weaker peoples or areas." A major cause of conflict in the 1600's
  • Culture Clash: Distrust and hostilities grew between the indigenous population of the region and the Europeans as the number of newcomers increased leading to the inevitable culture clash. A major cause of conflict in the 1600's
  • Land: The United States adopted the European practice of expansion and of recognizing only limited land rights of indigenous peoples. A major cause of conflict in the 1600 and 1700's

King Philip - Metacom
King Philip (Metacomet) Wampanoag chief


The Significance and Effects of the King Philip's War
The effects and significance of the King Philip's War in history is that:

  • The notion that Indians and whites could not live together peaceably was emphasised
  • The defeat of the Indians resulted in the languages, culture, religion, beliefs and ceremonies of the conquered people to fall into decline, to the point of extinction, after so many were killed or sold into slavery
  • The fur trade in the area virtually disappeared
  • The victory by the colonists was extremely costly both in economic and personal terms but it opened up the area for more colonists and settlers

History Timeline of the King Philip's War
This short History Timeline of the King Philip's War provides fast facts and information about the history, years & dates, key events and famous people who fought in the King Philip's War.

History Timeline of the King Philip's War
History Timeline of the King Philip's War

1621Background Info: Metacomet or King Philip was the son of Massasoit who had negotiated peace with the Pilgrims in 1621. Peace followed and during this time the Algonquian exchanged Indian land for English guns, liquor, and blankets

1661The death of Chief Massasoit.  

1662Metacom (King Philip) becomes sachem and leader of the Wampanoag Confederacy. Metacom distrusted the colonists and was alarmed at the number of new towns that were being established by the colonists. Livestock trampled over Indian cornfields

1671Metacom (King Philip) was humiliated by a summons to Taunton and required to sign a new peace agreement that included the surrender of Indian guns

1674December: Wassausmon was a 'praying Indian' who converted to Christianity and taken the name John Sassamon. In 1674 betrays King Philip by informing Plymouth Colony Officials of his planned attacks on Colonial Settlements. His betrayal starts King Philip's War

1675June 8: Three Wampanoag Indians were tried for the murder of John Sassamon and executed


1675King Philip is incensed by the executions which he sees as an encroachment of his tribal authority

1675June 20: King Philip makes a sudden raid on the border settlement of Swansea 

1675June 28: Settlers send a Military Expedition to retaliate for the raid 

1675July 8: Settlements of Middleborough and Dartmouth are attacked. Other tribes become involved in the hostilities

1675July 14: Settlements in Plymouth Colony are attacked

1675August / September: Many other settlements are attacked 

1675September 18: Battle of Bloody Brook

1675October 5: Town of Springfield is destroyed and half the inhabitants are killed 

1675November 2: Governor Josiah Winslow leads Militia in a reprisal against the Narragansett Tribe

1675December 16: Great Swamp Fight in which the main Narragansett fortified village in Rhode Island is attacked by the colonists
History Timeline of the King Philip's War - 1676

1676March 12: Major attack on Plymouth Plantation

1676March 26: An incident called Nine Men's Misery occurs in Rhode Island in which nine colonists were tortured by the Narragansett Indian tribe during King Philip's War

1676March 26: Providence is completely destroyed

1676May 18: Captain William Turner of the Massachusetts Militia lead 150 men against the Narragansett and their chief, Canonchet, is killed

1676June / July: Indian defeats prompt the desertion and surrender of some tribes allied to Metacom (King Philip). King Philip's wife and son are captured and imprisoned

1676August 12:  Metacom (King Philip) is betrayed by an Indian informant in the service of Captain Benjamin Church revealing his hiding place at Mt. Hope in Rhode Island where he was killed.

1676The body of Metacom (King Philip) was beheaded and quartered, his head was displayed on a pole for 25 years at Plymouth

1676After King Philip's death in 1676, Indian resistance collapses and the bloody conflict called King Philip's War comes to an end
History Timeline of the King Philip's War

King Philip's War

  • Significance, causes, summary, dates and history of the King Philip's War for kids
  • History timeline of the King Philip's War
  • Interesting Facts and information on the King Philip's War for kids and schools
  • Cause and Effects of the King Philip's War
  • Significance, causes events, summary, dates and history of the King Philip's War for kids

King Philip's War - Pictures and Videos of Native Americans
King Philip's War. Discover the key years, famous people and events of the King Philip's War together with the causes and effects of King Philip's War. Pictures have been include wherever possible which show the battlefield, clothing and weapons of the Native Indian tribes and their leaders who fought in the King Philip's War. We have included pictures and videos to accompany the main topic of this section - The King Philip's War. The videos enable fast access to the images, paintings and pictures together with the information and the many facts featured on this subject of the King Philip's War.


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