The Indian Wars

Pawnee Warrior

A comprehensive illustrated guide to the Indian Wars and Battles of America. Containing facts and information about the most famous Indian Wars, battles and conflicts including King Philip's War, Tecumseh's War and the Battle of Tippecanoe, the Pequot War, French and Indian War and the Creek, Sioux, Apache and Seminole wars. Many battles were fought by four tribes: the Sioux, Apache, Comanche, and the Cheyenne.

Indian Wars and Battles
A comprehensive and illustrated guide to the Indian Wars, Battles and conflicts between the indigenous people of North America and the European settlers and the US Cavalry. All of our articles are accompanied by pictures, paintings and many have videos - all bringing the Indian Wars and battles to life and enabling a better understanding of each of the conflicts.

The Indian Wars and Battles
The history of the Indian Wars and Battles, together with timelines and information about the Indian tribes, their warrior chiefs, the 'Wild West' and the US Cavalry. When the white settlers began to encroach on Native American lands many of the Indian tribes fought to preserve their way of life.

Famous Chiefs of Indian Wars & Battles
The famous warrior chiefs included Metacom, known to the colonists as King Philip, the Shawnee chief, Tecumseh, and his brother, the Shawnee Prophet. The Tuscarora War was a famous Indian war which was led by Chief Hancock, the Ottawa Chief Pontiac, Chief Black Hawk, Chief Billy Bowlegs who led the Seminole Wars, Captain Jack who led the Modoc War, Crazy Horse, Chief Joseph who led the Nez Perce War, Geronimo and Cochise who led the Apache Wars and Sitting Bull who led the Lakota Sioux tribe.

Modoc Indian taking a scalp of U.S. soldier - Indian Wars and Battles

The History of the Indian Wars and Battles
The History of Indian wars includes details of causes, reasons, effects and results of the wars. The dates of the Native Indian Wars with facts and interesting information about specific events and famous US cavalry leaders and Indian Chiefs

The History of Native Americans and the Indian Wars & Battles
Indian Wars & Battles History TimelineNative American WarsIndian Warfare
Apache WarsPowhatan WarsBattle of Little Bighorn
Beaver WarsPueblo RevoltPequot War
King Philip's WarFrench and Indian WarsKing William's War
Queen Anne's WarKing George's WarSeven Year War (1754-1763)
Tuscarora WarBacon's RebellionPontiac's Rebellion
Yamasee WarFox WarsBattle of Fallen Timbers
Counting CoupIndian TimelineNative American History
The History of Native Americans and the Indian Wars & Battles

Sioux Battle and Siege of New Ulm, Minnesota

Sioux Battle and Siege of New Ulm in Minnesota

The Indian Wars and Battles against the US Cavalry
There were many wars, conflicts and battles between different tribes of American Native Indians and the U S Cavalry. Some of these Indian wars ended in bloody massacres. In 1864 the infamous Sand Creek Massacre which resulted in 400 peaceful Arapaho and Cheyenne men, women, and children and babies were killed by forces led by Colonel John Chivington who, with a 700 man force of Colorado Territory militia, committed atrocities against the peaceful villages of Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians. At the Battle of Little Big Horn in 1876 General George Custer and 264 US troops were killed by Sioux Native Americans in Montana. Chief Joseph, chief of the Nez Perce tribe were relentlessly pursued by the US Army for 1300 miles before they were caught. In 1890 the Battle of Wounded Knee resulted in the deaths of 200 unarmed Sioux Indians following the death of Chief Sitting Bull and the final end to the Indian Wars.


US Cavalry

Indian Wars and Battles - The French and Indian War
The French and Indian War erupted during the period of 1688 - 1763. The French and Indian Wars were fought by Great Britain and France who were fighting for lands in the New World. The Native Indians became involved when the Iroquois Indians were allied to the French and the Algonquian tribes were allied to the British during the European wars.

Facts and Information about the Indian Wars and Battles - History Timeline
The history timeline of Indian Wars provide facts and information about key dates, the location of the conflicts and battles, the names of the tribes were involved in the wars, battles, the names of the leaders, the causes of the wars and the effects of the wars. For additional Indian Wars and Battles with details of the conflicts refer to Indian Wars and Battles
Indian Wars and Battles Timeline

1622 1624 The Powhatan Wars

1634 1638 Pequot War

1640 1701 Beaver Wars

1655 1655 Peach Tree War

1675 1676 Bacon's Rebellion

1675 1676 King Philip's War

1675 1760 The 'Indian Wars' including the French and Indian Wars

1680 1692 The Pueblo Revolt

1688 1763 The French and Indian Wars

1688 1699 King William's War (part of the French and Indian Wars)

1702 1713 Queen Anne's War (part of the French and Indian Wars)

1711 1715 Tuscarora War

1712 1716 First Fox War

1715 1717 Yamasee War

1716 1729 Natchez Wars

1721 1763 Chickasaw Wars

1722 1725 Wabanaki-New England War

1728 1733 Second Fox War

1744 1748 King George's War (part of the French and Indian Wars)

1754 1763 French and Indian War (Part of the Seven Years' War)

1756 1763 Seven Years' War

1758 1761 Anglo-Cherokee War

1763 1766 Pontiac's War

1776 1794 Chickamauga Wars

1785 1795 Northwest Indian War

1794          Battle of Fallen Timbers

1811 1813 Tecumseh's War - Battle of Tippecanoe

1813 1814 Creek War

1817 1842 Seminole Wars

1820 1875 Texas–Indian wars

1827 1827 Winnebago War

1836 1877 Comanche Wars

1846 1864 Navajo Wars

1848 1855 Cayuse War

1849 1924 Apache Wars

1850 1865 California Indian Wars (Mariposa Indian War)

1850 1853 Yuma War

1850 1923 Ute Wars

1854 1890 The Sioux Wars

1855 1858 Yakima War

1860 1886 Chiricahua Wars

1864 1868 Snake War

1865 1872  Black Hawk's War

1866 1868  Red Cloud's War

1872 1873 Modoc War

1876 1877  Buffalo Hunters' War

1876 1877  Great Sioux War, aka the Black Hills War

1876           Battle of the Rosebud

1876           Battle of Little Bighorn

1877           Nez Perce War

1878           Bannock War

1879           Sheepeater Indian War

1879 1880  Victorio's War

1881 1886  Geronimo's War refer to Geronimo

1896           Yaqui Uprising

1915           The Bluff War, aka Posey War
Indian Wars and Battles History Timeline


Battle of the French Indian War

Battle of the French Indian War by George Catlin

Facts and Information about the Indian Wars
The articles about the Native American Battles provide facts and information about key dates, the location of the conflicts and battles, the names of the tribes were involved in the wars, battles, the names of the leaders, the causes of the wars and the effects of the wars.

Indian attack on settlers log cabin

Indian attack on settlers log cabin

The Indian Wars

  • The Native American Battles for kids
  • History of Native Americans and & Battlefields
  • Images and Pictures of Native Indians
  • Interesting Facts and significance of Native American Battles for kids and schools
  • Causes and Effects of the Native American Battles
  • Conflicts, Skirmishes and Battles
  • Battlefields, events, dates and History for kids


Pictures and Videos of The Indian Wars

Discover the key dates, key people and events of the Native American battles together with the causes and effects of the conflicts and skirmishes. Pictures have been include wherever possible which show the clothing, weapons and decorations of various Native American tribes and their leaders who fought in the Native American Battles. The illustrated text provides a really useful educational resource for kids and children of all ages. We have included pictures and videos to accompany the main topic of this section. The videos enable fast access to the images, paintings and pictures together with the information and the many facts featured on this subject of the Native American battles.

Native American Battles - Teaching resource - Teachers - Kids - Indian Wars - Indian - Native American - Battles - Conflicts - Massacres - Battlefields - Battlefield - Fighting - US Cavalry - Tribes - History - Timeline - Timelines - History - Facts - Information - Info - Famous Wars - Native - American - Indian - Chief - Chiefs - Leaders - Wars Role - Events - Dates - Conflict - Battle - War - Death - Short - Kids - Children - French Indian War - Studies - US Wars - United States Indian Wars - America - USA - French - English - British - Results - Causes - Effects - Year - Dates - Summary - Impact - Native American Battles - Reasons - Reasons for Native American Battles - Results of Native American Battles - Causes of Native American Battles - Effects of Native American Battles - Year - Dates - Summary - Impact of Indian Wars -  Events - Native American Battles

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