Apache Wars

Apache Indian

The History of the Apache Wars including details of the cause, reason, and summary. The combatants of the Apache Wars were various tribes of Apache Indians and the US.

Apache Wars Summary and Definition
Apache Wars Summary and Definition: The Apache Wars were a series of conflicts fought over 50 years with American settlers, the Confederate and United States against many Apache tribes in the southwestern United States. The Apache Wars were fought by several tribes of the Apache nation including the Chiricahua, Jicarilla, Mescalero, Chihenne or Warm Springs Apaches and Lipan Apaches together with the Western Apache and the Plains Apache tribes.

The Indian Wars
Native Indian Tribes Index

Facts about the Apache Wars
The Apache were greatly feared by all of their enemies. They fought tenaciously to retain their lifestyle, traditions and tribal homelands. Interesting history and fast facts about the Apache Wars:

Fast Facts about the Apache Wars
Name of Conflict: Apache Wars
Location: Southwest United States, American Settlers
Date Conflict started: 1851
Date Conflict ended: 1900
Result: United States victory over the Apache
Combatants: Various Apache Tribes and the United States
Famous Leaders: Cochise, Geronimo, Chatto, Victorio and Juh 

The History and Cause of the Apache Wars
The history, reasons and causes of the Apache Wars were as follows:

  • When New Mexico became a Spanish colony in 1692, hostilities increased between Spaniards and Apaches
  • The Spanish slave traders from Mexico provoked the Apache into making retaliatory raids stealing cattle, horses and firearms
  • Disputes over Apache Indian lands with Mexico and the US
  • A series of forts were built to house the forces of the United States Army antagonising the indigenous Apache tribes
  • Broken treaties
  • The gold rush which began in 1848 led to increasing numbers of white settlers moving into Apache areas and homelands
  • Forced relocation to Indian reservations which were restrictive and harsh

Geronimo and the Apache Wars
Geronimo was a great war chief and
Medicine Man, or Shaman, of the Chiricahua Apaches. His Indian name was Goyathlay. As a war leader he produced such fear in his Mexican enemies that, when Goyathlay led the attack, the Mexicans would call out the name of their patron Saint Jerome and his nickname, Geronimo, added to his legend.

Modoc Indian taking a scalp of U.S. soldier - Indian Wars and Battles


The Significance of the Apache Wars
The significance of the Apache Wars in history is that the semi-nomadic lifestyle of the Apache, which included hunting, gathering and farming has been lost forever. The languages, culture, religion, beliefs and ceremonies of conquered people fallen into decline - even Geronimo converted to Christianity. The number of people of the Apache nation have significantly and sadly diminished. The demise of the Apache led to the prosperity of the white settlers who gained the land, natural resources and wealth of the Southwest United States.

Facts and History Timeline of the Apache Wars
This short History Timeline of the Apache Wars provides facts and information about the history, years, key dates, key events and key people who fought in this war.


History Timeline of the Apache Wars

1835The Apache in conflict with Mexicans who put a bounty on Apache scalps

1846Geronimo admitted to Council of the Warriors

1849The Jicarilla War fought between the Jicarilla Apaches and Ute warriors against the United States

1858The family of Geronimo are massacred by Mexican soldiers

1860Miners search for gold on Apache homelands, conflicts arise and the Apache retaliate

1860Chiricahua Wars (1860–1886) - their chief is Cochise

1861Various Apache tribes form an alliance. Lieutenant George Bascom falsely accuses Cochise, the leader of the Chiricahua Apaches, of mounting Apache raids

18611861 - 1900 Apache Wars in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. Leaving the reservation attacks were made on outposts led by Geronimo and Cochise. Geronimo surrendered in 1886 but others carried on the fight until 1900

1862Battle of Dragoon Springs - Apache fight confederate soldiers

1862Battle of Apache Pass

1871Camp Grant Massacre at the Aravaipa camp. Women and children killed and the survivors sold as slaves

1872Peace Treaty signed by Cochise and the US. Apaches granted a small, permanent reservation in the Dragoon Mountains of Southeastern Arizona

1873Mexican troops attack Juh’s band of Apaches. Campaign against Apache Indians in Arizona and New Mexico

1874Death of Cochise

1876Treaty of 1872 broken by US - Apaches forced to move to the San Carlos Reservation

1879Victorio's War (1879–1880)

1880The Alma Massacre - Chihennes Apaches led by Victorio attack miners

1881Geronimo's War (1881–1886)

1882Mexico and the United States agree that either nation may cross the border when in pursuit of hostile Indians

1883Many Apaches surrender and are forced on to the terrible San Carlos Reservation

1885Geronimo escapes to Mexico and encourages renegade Apaches to leave the reservation. A treaty is signed with General Crook

1886Geronimo surrenders to General Miles at Skeleton Canyon, Arizona Territory - he is never allowed to return home and is with many other Apaches treated as a prisoner of war

1905Geronimo leads President Theodore Roosevelt’s Inaugural Parade.

1909Geronimo died of pneumonia on February 17, 1909 as a prisoner of the United States at Fort Sill, Oklahoma

1913Apaches are divided when some choose to live on reservations in New Mexico whilst others remain in Oklahoma
History Timeline of the Apache Wars

Geronimo leads President Theodore Roosevelt’s Inaugural Parade

Geronimo leads President Theodore Roosevelt’s Inaugural Parade in 1905

Apache Wars

  • Significance, cause, summary, dates and history of the Apache Wars for kids
  • The Apache Wars for kids
  • History of the Apache Wars
  • Interesting Facts and information on the Apache Wars for kids and schools
  • Cause and Effects of the Apache Wars
  • Significance, events, summary, dates and history of the Apache Wars for kids

Pictures and Videos of Native Americans
Apache Wars. Discover the key dates, key people and events of the Apache Wars together with the causes and effects of the war, conflict and battle. Pictures have been include wherever possible which show the clothing, weapons and decorations of various Native Indian tribes and their leaders who fought in the Apache Wars. The illustrated text provides a really useful educational resource for kids and children of all ages. We have included pictures and videos to accompany the main topic of this section - The Apache Wars. The videos enable fast access to the images, paintings and pictures together with the information and the many facts featured on this subject of the Apache Wars.

Teaching resource - Teachers - Kids - Apache Wars - Indian Wars - Cause of War - Battlefield - Summary - History of War - Indian - Native American - Battle - Conflict - Massacre - Fighting - US Cavalry - Tribes - History - Timeline of War - History - Facts - Information - Info - Famous - Cause of War - Battlefield - Summary - History of War - Native - American - Indian - Chief - Chiefs - Significance of War - Leaders - Leader - Events - Dates - Conflict - Summary - Definition - Battle - War - Death - Short - Kids - Children - Studies - US - United States - America - Significance of War - Results - Causes - Effects - Year - Significance of War - Dates - Summary - Impact - Reasons - Events - Apache Wars - Written By Linda Alchin

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