The Design of the Battle Hammer
The Battle Hammer was a dual purpose weapon used as a close contact weapon or as a throwing weapon. It was used for bludgeoning an enemy using a swinging action. Although the battle hammer had a stone head this primitive weapon was still deadly. The blades of the battle hammer were made of strong stone like Flint, that were made by Native Americans that were expert in the art of Flint Knapping. The body of the battle hammer was flat and board-like and made from hardened woods such as hickory, juniper, oak, cedar, maple, ash, walnut and birch and weighed from two to three pounds. The battle hammer were also made from rocks of right shape and sharpened along one edge. A groove was often ground around the stone using other harder stones so that the stone could be bound to a handle with rawhide. The design of the Native American battle hammer is describe as a Pick axe style of war club having a head with a pointed end and a blunt end.
The Battle Hammer
Despite its name the Battle Hammer was also used as a tool. The blunt, hammer-like head on one side was used for a variety of purposes including breaking wood, shells and for grinding corn. The pointed edge was used to break up rocky surfaces or hardened dried earth or in a prying capacity and cutting through roots.
Battle Hammer
- Pictures of gunstock war clubs
- Description and definition of the Battle Hammer weapon
- Materials required to make a Battle Hammer
- Making a Battle Hammer
- The use of the Battle Hammer weapon and method of fighting
- Interesting facts and information about the Battle Hammer for kids and schools
Battle Hammer - Pictures and Videos of Native Americans
Battle Hammer. Discover the interesting facts and information which relate to the History of Native Americans and the weapons they used such as the Battle Hammer. The pictures on this site show the weapons and tools that were used by various Native Indian tribes that can be used as a really useful educational history resource for kids and children of all ages. We have included pictures and videos to accompany the main topic of this section - Battle Hammer. The videos enable fast access to the images, paintings and pictures together with information and many historical facts. All of the articles and pages can be accessed via the Native Indian Tribes Index - a great educational resource for kids providing an unusual insight into their culture. We hope you enjoy watching the videos - just click and play - a great resource for gaining facts and information about the life of Native American Indians.