The article provides facts and information about Native American Groups.
Scholars have organised the Native American Indians into ten primary groups which are separated by location and categorised as the Great Plains Indians, the Northwest Native Americans, the Northeast Woodland Indians, the Southwest Indians, the Southeast Native Americans, the Great Basin Indians, the Plateau Indians, the Arctic and Sub-Arctic Indians and the Native Americans of California.
The culture area or group concept is based on cultural traits and the effect of geographic influences on those cultures.
Native American Groups Discover interesting facts and information about each of these Native American Groups and the tribes that belonged to them. The Native American culture groups are categorised as follows:
The Artic Native American Groups
The Sub-Artic Native American groups
The Northwest Coast Native American Groups
Northeast - Eastern Woodlands Indians
The Plateau Native American Groups
The Great Plains Native American Groups
The Great Basin American Indian Groups
The Southeast Native American Groups
The Southwest American Indian Groups
The California Native American Groups
The locations of all of these American Indian cultural groups are shown on the Map.
Native American Groups
Native American Groups - Culture Groups The culture groups of American Indian tribes are categorised according to the divisions of Native American Groups as illustrated on the map and details of the culture of these people living in the areas are detailed below. The groups are categorised as Northwest Native American groups, the Northeast Woodlands Indian groups, Plateau Indian groupd, Great Basin Native Indians, the Great Plains Indians, the Southwest Indians, the Southeast Native Americans, the Arctic and Sub-Arctic Indians and the Native Americans of California.
Native American Groups - Great Plains Groups The Great Plains culture group covered the prairies of central North America which was home to many tribes including the Crow, Cheyenne, Blackfoot and Comanche. For additional facts and information about this cultural group see: Great Plains Indians
Native American Groups: Great Plains Native American Indians Groups
Languages: Siouan, Algonquian, Caddoan, Uto-Aztecan and Athabaskan
Geography: There was enough rain for a thick layer of grass, which attracted large herds of grazing animals like the bison (buffalo). There was not enough rain to grow many trees which were only found by rivers
Animals: Bison (Buffalo), deer, elk, bear, beaver, antelope and wolves
Culture: Nomadic Hunters and farmers
Transport: Horse, travois, parfleche
Housing: Tepees were used by the nomadic hunters.
Tribes of Great Plains Indians: Blackfoot, Cheyenne, Crow, Comanche and Arapaho
Native American Groups
Native American Groups - Northeast Groups The Northeast culture group covered the Atlantic coast from Canada to North Carolina and the tribes of the Erie, Onondaga, Seneca, Tuscarora, Cayuga, Oneida, Menominee, Pequot, Delaware, Fox, Shawnee and Wampanoag. For additional facts and information about this cultural group see: Northeast Woodland Indians
Native American Groups: Northeast / Eastern Woodlands Native American Indians
Culture: Hunter-gatherers, farmers, trappers
Languages: Algonquian
Animals: Squirrels, deer, fish and shell fish
Crops: Corn (maize), pumpkin, squash, beans and tobacco
Transport: Canoes
Types of housing: Chickees, Wigwams and Longhouses
Famous Tribes of Eastern Woodlands : Shawnee, Fox, Sauk, Wampanoag, Delaware, Pequot and Menominee
Native American Groups
Native American Groups - Northwest Group The Northwest culture groups covered dense forest and mountains and the tribes of Haida, Chinook, Eyak, Coast Salish, Tlingit, Tillamook and Chimakum people. For additional facts and information about this cultural group see: Northwest Coast Native Americans
Native American Groups: Northwest Coast Native American Indians
Languages: Siouan, Algonquian, Caddoan, Uto-Aztecan and Athabaskan
Geography: Heavy rainfall, tall dense forests, oceans, mountains and rivers.
Animals: Mountain goats and sheep, deer, moose, bear and elk. Fish and Sea animals including seals, whales, salmon and shell fish
Natural Resources: Red cedar trees, forests, mountains
Culture: Fishers
Types of housing: Plankhouses
Famous Tribes of Northwest Coast Indians: Haida, Chinook, Eyak, Coast Salish, Tlingit, Tillamook and Chimakum
Native American Groups
Native American Groups - Southeast Group The Southeast culture group covered north of the Gulf of Mexico and the 'five civilised tribes' of the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole people. For additional facts and information about this cultural group see: Southeast Native Americans
Native American Groups - Southeast Native American Group
The Five Civilised tribes
Languages: Siouan, Algonquian, Caddoan, Uto-Aztecan and Athabaskan
Geography: River Valleys
Animals: Rabbits, wild hogs, turkeys, eagles, opossums, raccoons and deer
Natural Resources: Corn, beans, dried fruit, pumpkins and nuts
Culture and Lifestyle adopted: Nomadic Hunters, Fishers and farmers
Clothing: Deerskin clothes, rabbit fur and porcupine quills
Transport: Canoes
Housing: Asi Wattle and Daub houses
Tribes of Southeast Indians: Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole
Native American Groups
Native American Groups - Southwest Group The Southwest culture group covered the massive desert region and the tribes of the Hopi, Zuni, Yuam, Apache and Navajo people. For additional facts and information about this cultural group see: Southwest Native Americans
Native American Groups: Southwest Native American Indians
Languages: Siouan, Algonquian, Caddoan, Uto-Aztecan and Athabaskan
Geography: Dry, rocky land. Hot and arid. Little rain, crops required irrigation
Animals: Desert animals such as reptiles and snakes
Culture and Lifestyle adopted: Farmers and some Nomadic hunters such as the Navajo
Housing: Farmers lived in Adobe (pueblo) houses. Hunters lived in Hogans
Tribes of Southwest Indians: Hopi, Pueblo, Zuni, Apache and Navajo
Native American Groups
Native American Groups - Great Basin Group The Great Basin culture group covered deserts, salt flats and brackish lakes and the tribes of Bannock, Paiute and Ute. For additional facts and information about this cultural group see: Great Basin Indians
Native American Groups: Great Basin Native American Indians - the Desert culture
Languages: Shoshonean and Uto-Aztecan (Numic)
Geography of the State of Great Basin Indians: Deserts, salt flats and brackish lakes
Culture and Lifestyle adopted: Nomadic Hunter gatherers
Art: Basket making
Housing: Hogans
Tribes of Great Basin Indians: Bannock, Paiute and Ute
Native American Groups
Native American Groups - California Group The Californian culture group was home to tribes such as the Hokan, Maidu, Miwok, Pomo, Chumash and Serrano people. For additional facts and information about this cultural group see: California Native Americans
Native American Groups: California Native American Indians
Languages: Athapaskan, Penutian and Uto-Aztecan
Environment: Mild temperate climate
Animals and Fish: Salmon, rabbits, deer, elk
Natural Resources: Buckeye, nuts and grasses
Culture and Lifestyle adopted: Hunter fishers
Art: Basketry
Housing: wigwams and wickiups
Tribes of California Indians: Hokan, Maidu, Miwok, Mohave, Pomo, Chumash and Serrano
Native American Groups
Native American Groups - Plateau Group The Plateau culture group included the tribes of Klamath, Modoc, Nez Perce, Walla Walla and Yakama people. For additional facts and information about this cultural group see: Plateau Indians
Native American Groups: Plateau Native American Indians
Languages: Siouan, Algonquian, Caddoan, Uto-Aztecan and Athabaskan
Geography of the State of Plateau Indians: Fast flowing rivers
Animals: Bison, deer and elk
Culture: Nomadic Hunter gatherers, Fishers
Food: Vegetables, fruits, meat and fish
Housing: Pit houses, tepees, tule-mat lodges
Tribes of Plateau Indians: Klamath, Modoc, Nez Perce, Walla Walla and Yakama
Native American Groups
Native American Groups - Arctic Group The Arctic group culture group included Alaska, Canada and Greenland and the tribes of Aleut and Inuit people who both spoke the Eskimo Aleut language. For additional facts and information about this cultural group see: Arctic Indians
Native American Groups: Native American Arctic Indians
Languages: Eskimo-Aleut languages and Athabascan
Geography of the State of Arctic Indians: Alaska, Canada and Greenland. Flat, cold and treeless, tundra
Natural Resources: Fish, seasonal berries and plants
Culture and Lifestyle adopted: Nomadic Hunters and fishermen
Transport: Dogsleds canoes and open fishing boats
Clothes: Clothing was made from caribou, snowshoes
Housing: Igloos, Sod Houses, Barabara and tents
Tribes of Arctic Indians: The Alaska Aleut and the Inuit (aka Eskimo)
Native American Groups
Native American Groups - Sub-Arctic Group The Sub-Arctic group culture covered inland Alaska and Canada and the tribes of Kuchin, Beaver, Cree, Objiway (Chippewa) and the Naskapi. For additional facts and information about this cultural group see: Sub-Arctic Indians
Native American Groups: Native American Sub-Arctic Indians. Nomadic hunters and Fishers
Languages: Algonquian and Athabaskan
Geography and Environment: Tree-less tundra to evergreen and deciduous forests. Long, cold winters and short, warm summers
Tribes of Sub-Arctic Indians: Ingalik, Kuchin, Beaver, Chippewa (Ojibwa), Cree and Naskapi
Native American Groups
Native American Groups
Interesting Facts and information about Native American Groups
Northwest Coast Native American Groups
Eastern Woodlands Indians Groups
Great Plains Native American Groups
Great Basin Native American Groups
Southeast Native American Groups
Southwest Native American Groups
California Native American Groups
Pictures and Videos of Native American Groups Discover the vast selection of pictures and videos of the people who spoke the Native American Groups of Native Americans. The pictures show the various tribes and Native American Groups as a really useful educational resource for kids. Our series of videos enable fast access to the images, pics, paintings and pictures together with information and many facts. We hope that this article on Native American Groups will assist in your studies or homework - a great educational resource for kids on Native American Groups.