Queen Anne's War

French Indian War

Queen Anne's War
A major conflict during the French and Indian Wars

The History of the Queen Anne's War, which was a major conflict during the French and Indian Wars, including details of the cause, reason, and summary. The combatants of the Queen Anne's War were the French, Spanish & and their Indian allies and the British and their Indian allies.

The dates and years of Queen Anne's War - when the war started and when the conflict ended.  Interesting facts and information about the significance, specific events and famous leaders of the Queen Anne's War.

The Indian WarsFrench and Indian Wars
Native Indian Tribes Index

Queen Anne's War Summary and Definition
Queen Anne's War Summary and Definition: The Queen Anne's War (1702-1713) is the name given to the second of the series of conflicts and battles in the French and Indian Wars. The war was named after the Queen Anne who was the British monarch at the time of the conflicts. Queen Anne's War was the counterpart of the War of the Spanish Succession in Europe. In addition to the two main combatants England and France, Queen Anne's war also involved a number of American Indian tribes and Spain, which was allied with France during this period. During Queen Anne's War American colonial settlements along the New York and New England borders with Canada were raided by French forces together with their Indian allies during this phase of the French and Indian Wars. The British captured of Port Royal in 1710 that resulted in the French lands called Acadia becoming the British province of Nova Scotia. Under the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, Britain also acquired Newfoundland and the Hudson Bay region from France during this important conflict in the French and Indian Wars.

Queen Anne

Picture of Queen Anne

Location of Queen Anne's War
The location of the Queen Anne's War was fought on three fronts that consisted of:

  • The British colonies of New England fought with French and Indian forces based in Acadia and Canada

  • The British colonies based in St. John's, Newfoundland fought with the French based at Plaisance, Newfoundland

  • The British Province of Carolina and Georgia fought against Spanish in Florida and the French who were based at Mobile in Florida

Facts about the Queen Anne's War
Who fought in the Queen Anne's War? When did the conflict start and when did the conflict end? What were the causes of the Queen Anne's War? What was the significance of the Queen Anne's War? What were the results and effects of the Queen Anne's War? Interesting history and facts about the Queen Anne's War:

Fast Facts about Queen Anne's War
 Name of Conflict: Queen Anne's War
 Alternative Names for Queen Anne's War:
 French and Indian Wars
 Year Queen Anne's War started: 1702
 Year Queen Anne's War ended: 1713
 Combatants in Queen Anne's War: The Spanish and French and their Indian allies against the British. The Wabanaki Confederacy was between five Algonquian speaking people consisting of the Abenaki, Mícmac, Penobscot, Passamaquoddy and Maliseet tribes. Other tribes were also involved including Caughnawaga Choctaw, Timucua, Apalachee and the Natchez
 Combatants in Queen Anne's War: The British and their Indian allies. The Iroquois Confederacy was between an alliance of tribes headed by the Onondaga, Cayuga, Mohawk, Seneca and the Oneida tribe. The Creeks, Chickasaw and Yamasee also fought for the English
 Result of Queen Anne's War: The Treaty of Utrecht ended Queen Anne's War, but the result was indecisive hence the continuation of the French and Indian Wars
 Famous Leaders in Queen Anne's War: Great Britain was led by Joseph Dudley, James Moore, Francis Nicholson and Hovenden Walker.
The opposition was led by Joseph de Zuniga y Zerda, Daniel d'Auger de Subercase, Philippe de Rigaud and the Marquis de Vaudreuil
Fast Facts about Queen Anne's War


History & Causes of the Queen Anne's War - Political Policies and Beliefs
What were the causes of the Queen Anne's War? The causes of the Indian wars, battles and conflicts, including the Queen Anne's War, were generally because of the opening of Indian lands to colonization of Europeans and highly lucrative trade prospects. For additional Facts and info refer to the French in America. The Queen Anne's War was a North American counterpart to the dynastic wars that raged in Europe. Some of the history and causes of the Indian Wars were dictated by political policies and beliefs which shaped the historical background to the causes of the Queen Anne's War

  • European Imperialism: The policy of forcefully extending a nation's authority, power and influence by territorial gain and by the establishment of economic and political dominance.

  • Colonialism: Establishing colonies in America provided land and new trading opportunities

  • Trade: The Europeans all wanted to monopolize the fur trade

Map showing Territories after Queen Anne's War

Map showing Territories after Queen Anne's War

History Timeline of the Queen Anne's War
This short History Timeline of the Queen Anne's conflict provides fast facts and information about the history, years & dates, key events and famous people who fought in the Queen Anne's War.
History Timeline of the Queen Anne's War
Queen Anne's War

16881688 - 1763 The French and Indian Wars begin between France and Great Britain for lands in North America. The Iroquois Indians were allied to the British and the Algonquian speaking tribes were allied to the French. The French and Indian Wars was an intermittent series of wars and conflicts consisting of the:

King William's War (1688-1699)
Queen Anne's War (1702-1713)
King George's War (1744 - 1748)
French Indian War (1754 - 1763)


1702Queen Anne ascends to the English throne 

1702Queen Anne's War (1702-1713)

1702The English capture and burn St. Augustine, Florida. Though the city remains under Spanish possession for another century, the mission system in Florida is destroyed


The Apalachee massacre occured in western Florida. James Moore, the ex-governor of South Carolina, led 50 Englishmen and 1,000 Creek Indian allies against the Spanish and their Apalachee Native American allies during Queen Anne's War


1707June 1707: The Union between England and Scotland created the 'United Kingdom of Great Britain' and the term British, as opposed to English, is then used in reference to the colonists in North America.

17131713 The Treaty of Utrecht ends Queen Anne's War. Under the treaty, Britain gains Newfoundland and the Hudson Bay region of Canada, as well as the Caribbean island of St. Kitts.


1744Peace prevails until the onset of King George's War (the third in the series of the French and Indian Wars) in 1744.
Queen Anne's War
History Timeline of the Queen Anne's War

The Significance and Effects of the Queen Anne's War
The effects and significance of the Queen Anne's War in history at a local level were:

  • Queen Anne's conflict resulted in the transfer of the French claims to the territories of Arcadia, Hudson Bay and Newfoundland to the British

  • Some of the terms of the Treaty of Utrecht were ambiguous, and concerns of various Indian tribes were not included in the treaty, which resulted in future conflicts in the French and Indian Wars including the Yamasee War, Tuscarora War and the Father Rale's War. The Fox Wars also erupted during this period

  • Following the Treaty of Utrecht many British merchants found the terms of the treaty unacceptable and resorted to smuggling. This led to the 1738 War of Jenkin's Ear in which one of the smugglers, by the name of Jenkins, had his ship seized by a Spanish vessel and his ear was cut off. This incident was used as a pretext for war and American colonists attacked Spanish possessions in the Caribbean and mounted an expedition against Spanish Florida. The expedition failed but the conflicts of the French and Indian Wars would soon erupt again with King George's War.

Queen Anne's War

  • Significance, causes, summary, dates and history of the Queen Anne's War for kids
  • History timeline of the Queen Anne's War
  • Interesting Facts and information on the Queen Anne's War for kids and schools
  • Cause and Effects of the Queen Anne's War
  • Significance, causes events, summary, dates and history of the Queen Anne's War for kids

Queen Anne's War - Pictures and Videos of Native Americans
Queen Anne's War. Discover the key years, famous people and events of the Queen Anne's War together with the causes and effects of the war, conflict and battle. Pictures have been include wherever possible which show the battlefield, clothing and weapons of the Native Indian tribes and their leaders who fought in the Queen Anne's War. The illustrated text provides a really useful educational resource for kids and children of all ages. We have included pictures and videos to accompany the main topic of this section - The Queen Anne's War. The videos enable fast access to the images, paintings and pictures together with the information and the many facts featured on this subject of the Queen Anne's War.

Queen Anne's War - Teaching resource - Teachers - Kids - Queen Anne's War - King William's Indian Wars - Causes - Effects - Summary - History - Indian - Native American - Battle - Conflict - Massacre - Causes - Fighting - Queen Anne's War - Tribes - King William's Conflict - History - Timeline of Queen Anne's War - History - Facts - Information - Info - Famous - Causes - Effects - Summary - History Timeline of Queen Anne's War - King William's Conflict - Native - American - Indian - Significance - Leaders - Events - Dates - Causes - Conflict - King William's Conflict - Summary - Queen Anne's War - Definition - Short - Kids - Children - King William's Conflict - Studies - US - Causes - United States - America - Significance - Causes - Effects - King William's Conflict - Results - Causes - Effects - Year - Causes - Queen Anne's War - Dates - Summary - Impact - Causes - Reasons - Events- Queen Anne's War - Written By Linda Alchin

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