Picture of Iowa Native American - Description and Points of Interest
The name of the artist is George Catlin (1796-1872). The picture, depicting traditional dress, provides the opportunity to study the culture and clothing of this Native American Indian woman. The name of the Native Indian woman in the picture is Koon-za-ya-me, Female War Eagle, 1844, Iowa tribe. The picture of her raises different points of interest which increase knowledge and understanding of Native Indian tribes:
What materials have been used to make the clothes?
What ornaments or decorations are being worn?
What items or accessories is she holding?
What image does the picture convey?
The title we have given the picture reflects the name of the tribe, for ease of identification.
Picture of Iowa - Additional Pictures and Videos of Native Americans
Discover the vast selection of pictures of Native Americans which includes the picture of the Iowa Indian woman. The pictures show the clothing, ornaments and decorations of various Native Indian tribes, can be used as a really useful educational resource for kids and children of all ages. Our series of videos enable fast access to the images, pics, paintings and pictures together with information and many facts. We hope that the pictures, paintings, pics and images will assist in your studies or homework and that you enjoy watching the videos featuring many Pictures of the Native American Women - a great educational resource for kids.
Picture of Iowa
Picture of Iowa - images of Native American women for kids
Color Image and Picture of Native Indian woman
Interesting Painting, pic and image for kids, homework and schools
Picture of Iowa - Native Americans pictures and videos for kids