Meaning of the Snake Symbol
Native American Indians were a deeply spiritual people and they communicated their history, thoughts, ideas and dreams from generation to generation through Symbols and Signs such as the Snake symbol. Native American symbols are geometric portrayals of celestial bodies, natural phenomena and animal designs. Native American bird and animal symbols and totems are believed to represent the physical form of a spirit helper and guide. For additional information please refer to the Meanings of Animal Symbols.
The Meaning of the Snake Symbol
The Snake symbol has different meanings in many Native American tribes. In the Pueblo tribe snakes are symbolic of fertility, in the Ojibwa culture the snake symbolizes healing and due to its ability to shed its skin other traditions associate the snake with re-birth. All of these symbolize the snake as a benign creature but many ancient cultures believe that the snake represents the Underworld and is strongly associated with serpent, which is basically a large snake, although usually depicted as a monster. For additional information refer to Power Animals.
The Meaning of the Snake Symbol - Unhcegila
In Lakota Sioux and Blackfoot mythology, Unhcegila is a snake or serpent-like monster that was responsible for many unexplained disappearances and deaths. She could swallow a human in one piece or squash him with her weight. Uncegila was a massive reptile that crawl very fast underground and moved even faster on the land. The touch of Unhcegila slime made flesh rot away and caused the ground she passed to become infertile.
The Snake Symbol - Mythology
Snake Myth and Legend: The Avanyu symbol is one of the many snake-like deities that figure in the mythology of some Native American tribes, notably the Pueblo. The Avanyu symbol represented the storm bringer and was connected with lightning, thunderstorms and the guardian of water.
The Legend of the Winged Snake
There is a legend that in the beginning of the world winged snakes or serpents reigned upon the earth and snake symbols depict this event. There is a symbolic relationship between the sun and the snake because life remains in the snake, until sunset even though the snake might be cut into a dozen parts. The Hopi Indians consider the snake to be in close communication with the Earth Spirit. Therefore, at the time of their annual snake dance they send their prayers to the Earth Spirit by first specially sanctifying large numbers of snakes and then liberating them to return to the earth with the prayers of the tribe.
The Snake Symbol - The Ancients
The Snake symbol is therefore depicted in many guises and has many meanings. The Mississippians who were the people of the ancient Mound Builder culture believed that the universe consisted of three worlds that were linked together with good and bad spiritual forces. The Underworld was inhabited by spirit snakes and Serpents, the Upper world was inhabited by spirit birds and the people of the earth who were ruled by these other powerful spirits. The meaning of the Great Serpent symbol was an inhabitant of the Underworld is chaos, corruption and darkness. The Horned Serpent Symbol was depicted as the feared guardian of life and the forces of life and associated with rain, thunder and waterways. The Feathered Serpent Symbol, were generally viewed as a benevolent, although fearful, creatures.
Serpent Symbols - the Feathered Serpent, the Horned Serpent, Coiled Serpent and the Great Serpent
The Snake Symbol - Meaning
There were so many tribes of Native American Indians it is only possible to generalise the most common meaning of the Snake symbol or pattern. Native Indian symbols are still used as Tattoos and were used for a variety of reasons and depicted on numerous objects such as tepees, totem poles, musical instruments and clothes. Indian Tribes also used their own Colors for Symbols and designs depending on the natural resources available to make Native American Paint. Use symbols as ideas and designs for American Indian Tattoos.
Native American Indians - Snake Symbol
Native American Indians had a highly complex culture, especially those who lived on the Great Plains.
Their religion was dominated by rituals and belief in a spiritual connection with nature and these beliefs were reflected in the various symbols they used such as the Snake symbol.
The clothes, tepees and all of his belongings was decorated with art and included symbols depicting his achievements, acts of heroism, his various spirit guides or the most important events in his life. Every symbol used by an American Native Indian had meaning which can be accessed from Symbols and Meanings.
The Snake Symbol
- The Snake symbol of Native Americans
- Meaning, symbolism and interpretation of the Snake symbol
- Interesting facts and info for kids and schools
- Pictures, meanings, patterns and designs of symbols
- Native American Snake symbol meaning
Pictures and Videos of Native Americans
Snake. Discover the vast selection of pictures which relate to the History of Native Americans and illustrate many symbols used by American Indians. The pictures show the clothing, war paint, weapons and decorations of various Native Indian tribes that can be used as a really useful educational history resource for kids and children of all ages. We have included pictures and videos to accompany the main topic of this section - Snake. The videos enable fast access to the images, paintings and pictures together with information and many historical facts. All of the articles and pages can be accessed via the Native Indian Tribes Index - a great educational resource for kids.