How Fairies came into the World
The Native American story of How Fairies came into the World
The Red Indian Fairy Book by Frances Jenkins Olcott
An Algonquin Story
The story of How Fairies came into the World
In the country of the Wabanaki, ten sisters once lived in their father's lodge. Each was more beautiful than any other maiden in the land, and the youngest was the most beautiful of all.
Many handsome braves laid their gifts before the lodge door. So nine of the sisters married and went to live with their mothers-in-law. But the youngest refused all suitors, and stayed in her father's lodge.
One day an old man named Osseo came to woo the youngest. His eyes were bright and his thoughts keen, and he sang softly before her door. And as the maiden was willing, the marriage-feast was held.
The nine sisters came with their handsome husbands, and they laughed and jeered at the bride, because her husband was so old. But she only said: "Wait and see! Soon you shall know who has chosen most wisely."
After the marriage-feast was over, Osseo led his bride toward his lodge in the distant forest. The nine sisters and their husbands went with them along the path. Presently they passed a hollow log. Then Osseo gave a loud call, and leaving the side of his bride, dashed into the log.
Immediately he came out at the other end, no longer old and wrinkled, but younger and handsomer than the husbands of the nine sisters. He then led the party forward with a step as light as the Reindeer's.
Soon they reached a splendid lodge, and entered it. A delicious feast was spread in wooden dishes, and the sisters and their husbands sat down.
"The food you see before you is magic food," said Osseo; "eat it and receive a gift from the Evening Star, whose lodge this is."
And as they all ate, sweet music like the voices of birds fell from the Sky. The lodge began to rise in the air. Higher it rose through the trees, and as it did so, it changed into a wonderful cage. Its poles became glittering silver wires, and its covering was of the shining wings of blue, green, and yellow insects.
And as the silver cage passed above the tree-tops, the wooden dishes became scarlet shells, and the nine sisters and their husbands were transformed into birds. Some became Bluebirds, others Red-Breasted Robins, still others Golden Orioles, and birds with scarlet wings. Immediately they all began to hop about the cage showing their bright feathers and singing songs sweeter than those sung in the woodland.
As for Osseo's bride, she grew more lovely than ever, so that she shone like a star. Her garments were of shimmering green, and in her hair was a silver feather.
Higher rose the cage, until it reached the home of the Evening Star.
"Welcome, my son," said he to Osseo. "Bring in your lovely bride, but hang the cage of coloured birds at the door. Because the nine sisters laughed at the bride, they must stay outside.
"Be careful that you never open the cage, nor let the ray of light from the little Star dwelling near us, fall upon you. For the ray of light is the little Star's bow and arrow, and if it touches you, your wife and the birds will become enchanted."
So Osseo hung up the cage of coloured birds at the door of the lodge; and he and his wife lived there in happiness. In time a son was born to them, who was brighter than the starlight. And when he grew older, Osseo made for him a little bow and arrows.
One day to please the child who wished to shoot something, Osseo opened the door of the silver cage, and let the coloured birds go free, and they flew singing toward the Earth. The little boy shot an arrow after them, and immediately a ray of light struck Osseo. Then the little boy began to float downward through the Sky. Soon he passed the soft white clouds, and fell gently upon a green island in the middle of a wide blue lake. The coloured birds came swiftly flying to him, with songs of joy.
As for the silver cage, it descended after, its glittering insect wings fluttering from its sides. And in it were Osseo and his wife. As the cage touched the green island, it became a shining lodge, and Osseo and his wife, the little boy, and all the coloured birds, were changed into bright and joyous Fairies.
And ever since that day, on Summer starlit nights, the little Fairies join hands, and dance around. Their shining lodge may still be seen when the Moon's beams light the green island. And by night the Indian fisher-boys, on the blue lake, hear the sweet voices of the Fairy dancers.
The story of How Fairies came into the World
This story of How Fairies came into the World is featured in the book entitled the Red Indian Fairy Book by Frances Jenkins Olcott published in Boston, New York by Houghton Mifflin Company in 1917
The story of How Fairies came into the World
The Native American Indian story of How Fairies came into the World provides an opportunity to read about the life and times of Native American Indians and many of their great chiefs and famous leaders. A Classic Short story about How Fairies came into the World for kids and children of all ages. This short story of How Fairies came into the World is great to read to kids and children at bedtime. This very short story contains folklore about the famous people of Native Indian tribes.
The story of How Fairies came into the World for Kids
This short Native American story has been selected to keep the attention of kids and children of all ages. Many of the traditional stories featured in this section are true and others are folk stories or myths and legends. Read our free short story online about How Fairies came into the World. Read a free, online short story about the people of famous tribes Native American Indians to increase knowledge and understanding of the indigenous people of North America.

How Fairies came into the World
- The story of How Fairies came into the World for kids
- How Fairies came into the World, Culture and Mythology
- Interesting story about How Fairies came into the World for kids and schools
- American Indian Stories, Folklore, Mythology, Myths and Legends - How Fairies came into the World
- Classic Short story for kids and children
- Read this free, online short story of How Fairies came into the World
How Fairies came into the World - Pictures and Videos of Native Americans
The story of How Fairies came into the World. Discover the vast selection of pictures which relate to the Stories, History and Culture of Native Americans. The pictures show the clothing, War Paint, weapons and decorations of various Native Indian tribes that can be used as a really useful educational history resource for kids and children of all ages. We have included pictures and videos to accompany the main topic of this section - The Native American story of How Fairies came into the World. The videos on this website enable fast access to the images, paintings and pictures together with information and many historical facts. All of the articles and pages can be accessed via the Native Indian Tribes Index - a great educational resource for kids.