Coyote Proud
The Native American Story of the Coyote Proud
The Red Indian Fairy Book by Frances Jenkins Olcott
A Pima Story
The Story of the Coyote Proud
In old days Coyote was bright green, and how he came to be the colour of dust, was this way:—
One day he was walking along looking for something to eat, and he came to a lake. And there he saw a little bird with ugly grey feathers. It was bathing in the lake, and when it came out on the bank, all its feathers fell off and left its skin bare.
After that, the little bird jumped into the lake again, and came out covered with beautiful bright blue feathers! It hopped about and sang:—
"This water is blue!
And blue I am too!"
"Little Bird," cried Coyote, "you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! Tell me how you changed your ugly feathers for these bright blue ones."
"I went into the lake four times in four days, and sang a magic song," said the little bird, "and the fourth time, my feathers all fell off. Then I jumped in a fifth time, and these beautiful ones grew all over me."
"Little Bird," said Coyote, "teach me your song, for I also wish to be blue."
So the bird taught Coyote its song, and he jumped into the lake and bathed four times in four days. The fourth time all his hair dropped off. Then he jumped in again, and his hair came back a beautiful bright blue.
Well! He was proud! And as he walked along he looked about on all sides to see if any one was admiring him. He even examined his shadow to see if it was blue. And of course he did not look where he was going, and suddenly he hit a stump, and rolled over into the dust.
He rolled and rolled, and when he got up he was all dust-coloured! And that is the reason why ever since that day all Coyotes have been the colour of dirt.
The Story of the Coyote Proud
This story of the Coyote Proud is featured in the book entitled the Red Indian Fairy Book by Frances Jenkins Olcott published in Boston, New York by Houghton Mifflin Company in 1917
The Story of the Coyote Proud
The Native American Indian Story of the Coyote Proud provides an opportunity to read about the life and times of Native American Indians and many of their great chiefs and famous leaders. A Classic Short story about Coyote Proud for kids and children of all ages. This short story of the Coyote Proud is great to read to kids and children at bedtime. This very short story contains folklore about the famous people of Native Indian tribes.
The Story of the Coyote Proud for Kids
This short Native American story has been selected to keep the attention of kids and children of all ages. Many of the traditional stories featured in this section are true and others are folk stories or myths and legends. Read our free short story online about Coyote Proud. Read a free, online short story about the people of famous tribes Native American Indians to increase knowledge and understanding of the indigenous people of North America.

Coyote Proud
- The Story of the Coyote Proud for kids
- Coyote Proud, Culture and Mythology
- Interesting story about Coyote Proud for kids and schools
- American Indian Stories, Folklore, Mythology, Myths and Legends - Coyote Proud
- Classic Short story for kids and children
- Read this free, online short story of the Coyote Proud
Coyote Proud - Pictures and Videos of Native Americans
The Story of the Coyote Proud. Discover the vast selection of pictures which relate to the Stories, History and Culture of Native Americans. The pictures show the clothing, War Paint, weapons and decorations of various Native Indian tribes that can be used as a really useful educational history resource for kids and children of all ages. We have included pictures and videos to accompany the main topic of this section - The Native American story of the Coyote Proud. The videos on this website enable fast access to the images, paintings and pictures together with information and many historical facts. All of the articles and pages can be accessed via the Native Indian Tribes Index - a great educational resource for kids.