Medicine Bag

Medicine Man Painting by George Catlin

Mandan Medicine Man with Medicine Bag on his apron

The Native American Medicine Bag. Discover facts and information about the culture of Native American Indians and their belief in the power of the Medicine Bag or Bundle

  • The Medicine Bag and Native American Indian tribes
  • Definition of a Medicine Bag
  • The Medicine Bag and religious beliefs
  • Interesting facts and information about Medicine Bag, the Medicine Man and the culture and beliefs of Native American Indians
Native American Culture
Native Indian Tribes Index

Medicine Bag
Definition of Medicine Bag: What is Medicine Bag? A Medicine Bag was a special, sacred container for various objects, or amulets, of supernatural power used, or provided by, a Medicine Man or Shaman, to carry 'medicine', or symbols, of animal spirits good luck, protection and strength in battle. The Medicine Bag contains both symbolic and ritual items. Typical items found in a Medicine bag, or bundle include various herbal remedies including tobacco, cedar, sage and sweetgrass used in Smudging Rituals. Other objects include a pipe, paint and skins and appendages of various animals - for additional information refer to Medicine Pouch. The Shaman of the Great Plains tribes, notably the Pawnee tribe, also included a Star Chart & Astrology Map in their Medicine Bag or bundle.

Medicine Man and the Medicine Bag
A 'medicine bag' was an important part of the equipment used by a Shaman. It was a special container for various items of supernatural power used by a Medicine Man to carry 'medicine', or symbols, of animal spirits used for treating sickness and disease.

Traditionally a medicine bag or bundle contains something from the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms and from the life of man. Medicine bags of Shamans were often made from pelts of panthers, raccoon, otter, beaver, reptiles or birds and included items to aid in healing, in rituals, Spiritual Healing and altering the weather.

The inclusion of paint in a Medicine bag was an important addition to the bundle. Medicine Men often chose certain mystical markings for warriors and that powerful magic was passed on during the application of the War Paint helping the warrior to believe himself invincible.

The Native American and the Medicine Bag
When a boy turned fourteen or fifteen his entry into manhood, his rite of passage, started with his Spiritual Journey on a Vision Quest. During the Vision Quest a Spirit Guide  was revealed. This Power Animal was believed to walk through life with them. The Shaman would discuss the meaning and significance of the Spirit Guide  and provide then with a personal bag or pouch containing various symbolic items. These Medicine bags were religiously closed and sealed and seldom, if ever, opened. Typical powers ascribed to medicine bags included increasing hunting abilities and aiding fighting skills and help increase his safety and protection during life. These bundles held the greatest importance to the Native Indians who often carried such a bag or pouch around the neck. The Medicine Bag was carried through life for good luck, protection and strength in battle. In death, the bag and symbol of his Guardian Spirit, was buried with the Indian and decays with his body.

Medicine Bag

The Medicine Bag - A Priceless Object
The value of a Medicine bag was beyond all price. To lose a bag, especially to an enemy, was deemed to be the greatest dishonor, loss of face and a  bad omen for the future. A man who lost his medicine bag or bundle was referred to in degrading terms such as "a man without medicine" or "he who has lost his medicine". His only recourse would be to try to replace the Medicine bag. This could only be done by charging into battle and plundering a Medicine Bag from an enemy, who he has killed with his own hand. This practise was a powerful inducement to ensure that all Native Indian warriors fought fiercely in battle. Should a white man even touch a Medicine Bag this was seen to be a sacrilegious act.

Medicine Bag

Medicine Bag

  • Native American Mystery Bag
  • Bag of mysteries and the beliefs of Native Americans
  • The reason for the Medicine Bag or Pouch
  • Rituals associated with the Medicine Bag or pouch
  • Meaning of the Pouch or bag
  • Native American Indian Medicine Bag, culture and religious beliefs

Pictures and Videos of Native Americans
Discover the vast selection of pictures which relate to the History of Native Americans and illustrate many decorations and tattoos used by American Indians. The pictures show the clothing, tattoos, war paint, weapons and decorations of various Native Indian tribes that can be used as a really useful educational history resource for kids and children of all ages and a means to study their interpretation. We have included pictures to accompany the main topic of this section - Native American Culture. The videos enable fast access to the images, paintings and pictures together with information and many historical facts.


Pouch - Bag - Role - Definition - Spirit - Animals - Shamanism - Meaning - Reasons - Purpose - Teaching resource - Teachers - Kids - Native American Culture - Indian - Role - Definition - Spirit - Animals - Shamanism - Religion - Culture - Beliefs - Traditional - Indians - Definition - Role - Definition - Spirit - Animals - Shamanism -Meaning - Reasons - Role - Beliefs - Customs - Custom - Kids - Pictures - Info - Information - Definition - Meaning - Reasons - Purpose - Tribe - Tribes - Native Americans - Native American Indian - Role - Definition - Spirit - Animals - Shamanism - Studies - Native American Culture - Animals - Pouch - Bag - Written By Linda Alchin

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