Meaning of Trees Chart |
Names of Trees | Meaning of Trees | Healing Properties of Trees |
Meaning of Trees: Ash | The ash symbolizes peace of mind, sacrifice, sensitivity and higher awareness | Helps the digestive system |
Meaning of Trees: Aspen | The Aspen symbolizes clarity of purpose, determination and overcoming fears and doubts | Good for stress, allergies, eczema and neuralgia |
Meaning of Trees: Arbutus | The sacred Arbutus symbolizes knowledge | Helps the digestive system and used as an antiseptic astringent |
Meaning of Trees: Beech | The Beech symbolizes tolerance, past knowledge and softening criticism | Helps the digestive system and for healing wounds, sores and ulcers |
Meaning of Trees: Birch | The Birch symbolizes truth, new beginnings and cleansing of the past | Remedy for eczema and skin allergies |
Meaning of Trees: Cedar | The Cedar symbolizes cleansing, protection, prosperity & healing | Used to help respiratory problems |
Meaning of Trees: Cherry | The Cherry tree symbolizes strong expression, rebirth, new awakenings and compassion | Colds, flu, coughs, fever, headaches, indigestion |
Meaning of Trees: Elm | The Elm symbolizes wisdom, strength of will and intuition | Healing salves for wounds |
Meaning of Tree: Maple | The Maple symbolizes the tree of offering, generosity, balance, promise and practicality | Helps the digestive system |
Meaning of Trees: Oak | The oak symbolizes strength of character and courage | Eases blood problems, improves circulation and reduces fevers |
Meaning of Trees: Pine | The pine tree symbolizes creativity, peace and harmony | Heals chest, throat and lung infections, colds, flu and sore throats |
Meaning of Tree: Sycamore | Sycamore symbolizes ambition | Astringent |
Meaning of Trees: Willow | The willow symbolizes inner wisdom, an open mind with the stability and strength of age and experience. | Reduces inflammation, rheumatism, fevers and headaches |
Meaning of Trees: Walnut | The Walnut symbolizes clarity and focus, gathering of energy and beginning new projects | Skin problems, colds and flu |
Meaning of Tree: White Pine | The White Pine symbolizes serenity | Heals chest, throat infections, colds, flu and sore throats |
Meaning of Trees Chart |