Meaning of Feathers

Meaning of Feathers - American Bald Eagle

Meaning of Feathers American Bald Eagle

Discover facts and information about the Meaning of Feathers and the culture of the North American Native Indians.

  • The Meaning of Feathers and the beliefs and culture of Native American Indian tribes
  • Meaning of Feathers chart
  • The Names and Meaning of Feathers according to the mythology of Native Americans of  North America
  • Meaning of Feathers and birds
  • Interesting facts and information about the Meaning of Feathers and the culture and beliefs of Native American Indians
Native American Culture
Native Indian Tribes Index

Meaning of Feathers
The Meaning of Feathers plays an important role in the belief system of Native American Indians. Their beliefs are based on Animism which embodies the spiritual idea that all natural things within the universe, including birds, have souls or spirits.  Animists believe that souls or spirits exist, not only in humans, but also in birds, their feathers and in animals, plants, rocks and natural phenomena. The doctrine of animism is that everything is alive, and possesses an inherent virtue, power and wisdom.

The Meaning of Feathers
The generalised meaning of feathers signified honor & connected the owner with the Creator and the bird the feathers came from. Native Indian warriors were awarded a feather when they took coup or were particularly brave in battle. When a feather falls to earth, the Native Americans believe it carries all of the energy of its former attachment on a bird to a living being. Feathers are perceived as gifts from the sky, the sea and the trees. Feathers arrive unexpectedly, but not without purpose.

Smudge Feather

Meaning of Feathers and Birds
Birds were revered as bringers of messages and symbols of change and often symbolised light-hearted freedom and their feathers have many spiritual, ceremonial & ritual uses. Decorated feathers were sometimes attached to sacred pipes  or prayer sticks. In the ancient culture and traditions of Native Americans the meaning of feathers are inextricably tied to the belief that birds, as spirit guides, walk through different stages of life with a person, teaching and guiding them, and in some instances protecting them.

The Meaning of Headdress Feathers
The image of the Feather Headdress and War Bonnet are instantly associated with the culture of Native Indians. The different types of headdress feathers worn by Native American Indians all had specific meanings and symbolism. The way a feather was cut or colored had great significance and represented the history and deeds of a warrior. For additional facts refer to the Meaning of Headdress Feathers.

Native American Meaning of Feathers Chart
The meaning of birds and their feathers are of great significance as they are believed to possess supernatural powers that can embody, attach and influence a person empowering them with the powerful traits, attributes and characteristics of the bird. The following chart describes the meanings of feathers providing information of the significance of each bird together with its meaning, attributes, characteristics and symbolism.

Meaning of Feathers Chart

Names of Birds

Meaning of Feathers

Meaning of Feathers of the:

A feather from a bluebird symbolizes happiness and fulfilment

Meaning of Feathers of the:

A feather from a crow symbolizes balance, release from
past beliefs, skill and cunning

Meaning of Feathers of the:

A feather from a dove symbolizes love, gentleness and kindness

Meaning of Feathers of the:

A feather from an eagle symbolizes great strength, courage leadership and prestige. The bald eagle and the golden eagle were considered sacred birds

Meaning of Feathers of the:

A feather from a falcon symbolizes soul healing, speed and movement

Names of Feathers

Meaning of Feathers

Meaning of Feathers Chart


Native American Meaning of Feathers Chart
The following chart describes the meanings of Feathers providing information of the significance of each of the birds together with its meaning, attributes, characteristics and symbolism.

Meaning of Feathers Chart

Names of Birds

Meaning of Feathers

Meaning of Feathers of the:

A feather from a hawk symbolizes guardianship, strength
and far-sightedness

Meaning of the Feather of the:

A feather from a heron symbolizes patience, grace and confidence

Meaning of the Feather of the:

A feather from the hummingbird symbolizes love, beauty, intelligence - A Spirit Messenger and Stopper of Time

Meaning of the Feather of the:

A feather from a kingfisher symbolizes luck, patience, speed and agility

Meaning of Feathers of the:

A feather from a owl symbolizes wisdom, the ability to see things normally, a creature of the night - silent and swift,

Meaning of the Feather of the:

A feather from a raven symbolizes creation & knowledge - the Bringer of the Light

Meaning of Feathers of the:

A feather from a Swallow symbolizes peace and love

Meaning of the Feather of the:

A feather from a turkey symbolizes abundance, pride
and fertility

Meaning of the Feather of the:

A feather from a Woodpecker symbolizes self discovery

Meaning of Feathers of the:

A feather from a Wren symbolizes protection

Names of Birds

Meaning of Feathers

Meaning of Feathers Chart


Meaning of Feathers

  • Meanings of feathers and interpretation of Native American symbols
  • Meanings of feathers, symbolism and interpretation of the Bird Meanings,
  • Interesting facts and info for kids and schools
  • Native American Meaning of Feathers

Pictures and Videos of Native Americans
Meaning of Feathers and Birds. Discover the vast selection of pictures which relate to the History of Native Americans and illustrate many symbols used by American Indians. The pictures show the clothing, war paint, weapons and decorations of various Native Indian tribes that can be used as a really useful educational history resource for kids and children of all ages. We have included pictures and videos to accompany the main topic of this section - Meaning of feathers and birds. The videos enable fast access to the images, paintings and pictures together with information and many historical facts. All of the articles and pages can be accessed via the Native Indian Tribes Index - a great educational resource for kids.


Meanings of Birds - Meanings and Symbolism of Feather - Teachers - Kids - Meanings of Birds - Native American Symbols - Indian Symbols - Symbolism - Symbolize - Interpretation - American Symbols and Signs - Indian - Meaning - Symbolism - Symbolize - Interpretation - Meanings - Info - Meanings and Symbolism - Information - Kids - Meanings and Symbolism of Feathers - Traditions - American Symbols - Meanings and Symbolism - Reference - Tribes - Meanings and Symbolism of Feather - Tribe - Guide - History - Ancient - Meanings of Birds - Written By Linda Alchin

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