Brush Shelter

Bannock Native American Indian Tribe

Bannock Native American Indian Tribe by a Brush Shelter

Find pictures of Brush Shelter and discover interesting facts and information about the Brush Shelters used by Native Indian Tribes.

The Brush Shelter
The Brush Shelter was a usually a temporary, make-shift structure used as a shelter by many tribes across practically all of the Native American cultural groups. Learn about the structure of  the Brush Shelter with pictures and images together with facts and information about the tribes who used them, including the Shoshone, Ute and Washoe.

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Brush Shelter Definition
What does the word Brush Shelter mean? Definition: A Brush Shelter is temporary, make-shift shelter that is fast to erect using raw materials that are readily available in the location. A brush shelter is very small, providing a place to sleep out of the cold night air and the elements ensuring survival without the risk of 'exposure'.

Why was the Brush shelter built as temporary protection?
Every tribe choose a type of housing to suit their lifestyle, the climate, the environment and the natural resources (known as biomes) that were available to them. The Brush Shelter was quick and easy to build making use of a variety of materials including trees, plants, leaves, saplings, branches, grasses and brush-land. These types of rough and ready homes were typically built to offer protection and a safe place to sleep on hunting trips and used in one form or another by the hunters of many Native American Indian tribes. A
Lean-to was a similar type of temporary accommodation. The Great Plains tribes were the main exceptions, as they erected Tepees using the portable framework and tent covering from location to location. Some other tribes used Wickiups, but these took much longer to build and required an element of digging that was tiring and time consuming.


How was a Brush Shelter built?
The materials used to build a Brush Shelter were poles and long sticks covered in brush and secured with fiber. The picture shows a temporary hunting village consisting  of brush shelters. Typical shelters were small, and intended for sleeping, people could not usually stand up straight inside.  To make these types of shelters long, thin poles, or saplings (young trees) were gathered, cut to size and stripped of bark. The poles of the frame leaned against each other and were lashed together with tough fibers and bound together at the top. One side was left open as the entrance. The site chosen for the construction was flat and located near a fresh water supply whenever possible. Cooking was done outside, over a camp fire.

Brush Shelter Frame
Another construction method was build a simple frame and cover the framework with various materials such as branches, grass and leaves. Some brush shelters were lashed to trees.

Brush Shelters

Brush Shelters


Brush Shelter

  • Interesting Facts and information about the brush shelter
  • Definition, pictures and description of the BrushShelter
  • Built as a temporary house by many Native Indian tribes
  • Fast Facts, pictures and description
  • Interesting Homework resource for kids on the history of the Native American Indians and the Brush shelter

Brush Shelter - Native American houses - Shelters - Teaching resource - Teachers - Exterior - Facts - Shelter Exterior - Built - Kids - Houses Of Indians - Native Indian Homes - Homes Native Tribes - Shelters Indigenous Tribes - Brush Shelter Pictures - Images - Pictures and infomation - Facts - Culture - Native Americans - Native American houses and homes - Native Indian Americans - North American Indians - Life -  History - Brush Shelter Facts - Information - Info - Native - American - Indian - Short - Kids - House Building -Design - Construction - Building Techniques - Children - Facts - Studies - Native American Houses and homes - Shelter

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