Meaning of Trees

Oak Tree

Meaning of Trees - The Oak Tree               

Discover facts and information about the Meaning of Trees and the culture of the North American Native Indians.

  • The Meaning of Trees and the beliefs and culture of Native American Indian tribes
  • Meaning of Trees chart
  • The Names and Meaning of Trees in North America
  • Interesting facts and information about the Meaning of Trees and the culture and beliefs of Native American Indians
Native American Culture
Native Indian Tribes Index

Meaning of Trees
The meaning of trees and their significance derives from its properties and attributes with the ability to share these with the people. The meaning of trees and their attributes are extremely important to the Native Americans as trees provide highly valued resources. The meaning of trees and their properties provide healing medicines,  and provide materials to build homes. The meaning of trees in general is of a symbol of permanence, longevity and its firm base symbolises the concept of ‘roots’ and the ongoing relationship of trees with their natural surroundings. Such positive characteristics, properties and attributes of trees lend themselves to being revered.

Native American Meaning of Trees Chart
The following Meaning of Trees chart provides details of the significance of each tree together with its meanings and symbolism.

Meaning of Trees Chart

Names of Trees

Meaning of Trees
Healing Properties
of Trees

Meaning of Trees:

The ash symbolizes peace of mind, sacrifice, sensitivity and higher awarenessHelps the digestive system

Meaning of Trees:

The Aspen symbolizes clarity of purpose, determination and overcoming fears and doubtsGood for stress, allergies,
eczema and neuralgia

Meaning of Trees:

The sacred Arbutus symbolizes knowledgeHelps the digestive system and used as an antiseptic astringent

Meaning of Trees:

The Beech symbolizes tolerance, past knowledge and
softening criticism
Helps the digestive system and for healing wounds, sores and ulcers

Meaning of Trees:

The Birch symbolizes truth, new beginnings
and cleansing of the past
Remedy for eczema and skin allergies

Meaning of Trees:

The Cedar symbolizes cleansing, protection, prosperity & healingUsed to help respiratory problems

Meaning of Trees:

The Cherry tree symbolizes strong expression, rebirth, new awakenings and compassionColds, flu, coughs, fever, headaches, indigestion

Meaning of Trees:

The Elm symbolizes wisdom, strength of will and intuitionHealing salves for wounds

Meaning of Tree:

The Maple symbolizes the tree of offering, generosity, balance, promise and practicalityHelps the digestive system

Meaning of Trees:

The oak symbolizes strength of character and courageEases blood
problems, improves
circulation and reduces fevers

Meaning of Trees:

The pine tree symbolizes creativity, peace and harmony Heals chest, throat and lung infections, colds, flu and sore throats

Meaning of Tree:


Sycamore symbolizes ambition

Meaning of Trees:

The willow symbolizes inner wisdom, an open mind with the stability and strength of age and experience. Reduces inflammation, rheumatism, fevers and headaches

Meaning of Trees:

The Walnut symbolizes clarity and focus, gathering of energy and beginning new projectsSkin problems, colds and flu

Meaning of Tree:

White Pine
The White Pine symbolizes serenityHeals chest, throat infections, colds, flu and sore throats
The Meaning of Trees

Meaning of Trees Chart


Meaning of Trees - Prayer and Talking Sticks
Many Native American Indian tribes believe that the qualities and properties of trees brings specific medicine and carry a sacred spark of the Great Spirit. The wood from trees is used to create many sacred items including Talking Sticks and Prayer Sticks. The choice of trees, their meaning and the wood used to make these sacred objects was highly symbolic and their meaning and relevance was significant to the craftsman. Each type of stick was prepared with due respect and ceremony. The wood was carefully chosen for its strength and spirituality and taken from a tree that had special meaning to the person. Permission is always sought from the tree spirit when using its wood to make a talking stick or prayer stick.

The Meaning of Trees

The Meaning of Trees

Meaning of Trees

  • Meanings of Tree interpretation of Native American symbols
  • Meanings, symbolism and interpretation of the Tree Meanings, Symbolism and symbols
  • Interesting facts and info for kids and schools
  • Pictures, meaning and symbolism
  • Native Americans pictures Meaning of Trees for kids

Pictures and Videos of Native Americans
Meanings of Tree. Discover the vast selection of pictures which relate to the History of Native Americans and illustrate many symbols used by American Indians. The pictures show the clothing, war paint, weapons and decorations of various Native Indian tribes that can be used as a really useful educational history resource for kids and children of all ages. We have included pictures and videos to accompany the main topic of this section - Meanings of Tree. The videos enable fast access to the images, paintings and pictures together with information and many historical facts. All of the articles and pages can be accessed via the Native Indian Tribes Index - a great educational resource for kids.


Meaning of Trees - Meanings and Symbolism of Trees - Teachers - Kids - Meaning of Trees - Native American Symbols - Indian Symbols - Symbolism - Symbolize - Interpretation - American Symbols and Signs - Indian - Meaning - Symbolism - Symbolize - Interpretation - Meanings - Info - Meanings and Symbolism - Information - Kids - Meanings and Symbolism of Trees - Traditions - American Symbols - Meanings and Symbolism - Reference - Tribes - Meanings and Symbolism of Trees - Tribe - Guide - History - Ancient - Meanings of Tree - Written By Linda Alchin

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